2Gerald C1232


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My friends say this about me, that I am: Trustworthy, Loyal, kind, sweet, cuddly, Romantic, Lovable, Gentle, intellegent,. Loves Children, Sense of Humor, Fun to be with, Teddybear, Hard worker, a good person, a good son, A True and Great Friend,
Music: Cllassical,pop,soft rock,christian,country,latin,korean pop,japanese pop,all deppends where i am at and how I feel.
TV: Hawaii five o classic/new Hawaii five o/ joel osteen/local news/don`t watch much t.v.
Books: My interest in book`s is vast,I enjoy books from great story tellers,for example Moby Dick,It is not just about a whale vs a whaling crew. It is about a whaling captain who was disfigured by a whale,now obsessed with vengence to kill that same whale that hurt him.
Sports: I like all types of sports,it is ok to watch sometimes,But I don`t let sports run my life.Sports,it`s something you watch in your spare time.not when you need to be doing other things more important, like caring for your family.
Interests: My interest is vast,Sports,hobbies,activities,etc. I have my likes and dislikes,which I can go into more detail later.
Movies: I like all types of movies as long as they are good movies, Movies that move me like The Passion of the Christ,Avatar(even tho it could of been made better),Pearl (a love story hiidden in a war movie),anyone can make a movie,A good story teller can make a great movie.Those are the one`s I want to see.
BestFeatures: I am a teddybear,Tho I could be a grizzly Bear I am gentle and kind. Don`t get me wrong,If I am protecting someone, I will rip, the attacker apart, and cast what`s left of him into the sea to feed the shark`s.A wounded Bear is the most dangerous creature on earth, but can be the most gentle and will protect you with his life if he like`s and care`s for you. ] ;l
Dreams: A world at peace,every hungry person fed,every homeless person having a home to live in.Every child with parents who love them,every desease curable.those are a few of my wishes for the world no matter how unachievable that may be. But it sure would be nice! For me,I would like a bestfriend/life partner someone I can love and who would love me.A real person not a fake. thanks

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