

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
  • Age:
  • Height:
    6 ft. 1 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    Bachelors Degree
  • Job:
  • Has Kids:


I guess I`m what you`d call a nice guy with a quick wit and I tend to make people laugh, even when I don't intend for them to laugh..... Hmm, should maybe do something about that.

I have a general knowledge that is of little commercial value. I seem to have a opinion on everything yet I`m pretty shy by nature. I have been known to talk so much that people tell me to shutup and threaten voilence (I've only had on set of glasses broken..... so far). I guess I`m what you`d call str8 acting, most friends still can't believe I'm into guys. It's who I am, it's not an act actually. Looks ... well you be the judge. I sooo don`t take myself seriously, I've found people who do are kinda boring, that, and they don't like it when I hang shit on them.

I'm not a guy who does the hey I'm Dan lets do it. I'm just not built that way. I like the whole getting to know someone, a few dates, the whole 9 yards before we get down to it.

What I am looking for

Guys wise I have no idea, into more on the blokey intellectual side of things. Kind eyes and a giant... heart work. Do like a guy with some hair on his chest. I'm no adonis but, a massive gut isn't my preference. Be around 5 years of my age. I work in academia so some tertiary education is good. Oh I'm not a fan of the dick and or arse pick. Be classy fellas.